enabled |
based test |
participant will undergo test with Username and password |
participant will have different combination of questions
- to avoid copy |
Facility to add your own questions or pick it from
existing database of 10,000 questions |
Their demographic details will be collected for future
course of action |
Questionnaire can have more subjects and each subject
can have time and pass mark |
Shuffling between subjects can be an option provided to
participant by administrator |
Administrator can track how many started and completed
test. |
Report stating each participants subject wise mark and
pass or fail will be downloaded in a click |
Customized support in conducting online test can be made |
Username with expiry duration can be created for timely
test |
Email invitation is an option to conduct test |
Popular browsers like IE 7 and IE 8 will support this
test |
Customizable header footer and test introduction,
instruction and completion messages |
Alternate completion message for Passed and Failed
candidates |